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Strength: It takes strength to maintain goal posture and to rotate your upper body powerfully into the ball. A Lower level of golf specific strength will result in difficulty with posture, and downswing power.


Flexibility: flexibility is a must to achieve a full backswing with no muscular tension. Lack of flexibility creates tension in your golf swing, robbing you of club head speed and distance. Stability: you need to be stable in your golf swing to perform optimal swing mechanics. Also, your consistancy for 18 holes depends on a stable golf swing.


Balance: Have you ever fallen out of balance during your golf swing? Everyone has...but WHY then do golfers ignore balance training for a better swing. Improved balance creates a consistent and more powerful swing for 18 holes.


Coordination: The Golf Swing requires a particular sequence of motion, which is indirectly coordination. If you cannot figure out the sequence and repeat it, forget it. You'll struggle to improve and definitely.


Muscular Endurance: Having Endurance helps you maintain optimal swing mechanics and power for 5 hours of Golf. Endurance also affects your concentration. When you're tired, it's really easy to lose focus. When your fit, you stay focused for 18 holes with ease. 



Tips & Advice: Tips & Advice
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